Our Experiences
Monday, 21 December 2009 02:06
Supported by hundreds of professionals with expertise in their fields, PT. Abhimata Citra Abadi has successfully completed some project asked by Indonesian national companies and multi-national companies in implementing and providing telecommunication and networking systems. The followings are some of the major project that have been completed successfully :- Broadband VSAT-IP PT. Citra Sari Makmur (CSM)
- Integration of Information Technology Network disektor finansial
- (BCA, BII, LippoBank ,Bank Danamon, Bumiputera)
- First Indonesian Digital Data Services (Lintasarta’ Backbone Network)
- Public Credit Card Phone for Non Aligned Countries Meeting
- International IT Gateway PT Indosat
- BBD (Bank Bumi Daya) IT integration
- SISKA (Customer Care Information System) Project PT Telkom
- SOPP (System Online Payment Point) PT Telkom
- BNI Information Technology
- Bank Exim IT integration
- VSAT Telecommunication Network PT Aplikanusa Lintas Arta
- BRI Information Technology Services
- BTN System Computer Service
- System Integration Departemen Keuangan RI
- System Computerization Departemen Perdagangan dan Bappenas
- System Integration Computer PT. PLN
- BDN (Bank Dagang Negara) IT integration services
- Integration Voice, Data and LAN via Frame Relay Technology for
- Primacom, Matahari, etc
- IT Infrastructure TELKOMnet (National Public Data Service Network)
- Integration Satellite Network PT Citra Sari Makmur/BRI
- Cellular Infrastructure Telkomsel
- Billing Information System Infrastructure TELKOM
- Infrastructure DDN Services, PT. CSM
- Cellular Infrastructure Indosat -Satelindo
- Radio Link PT Aplikanusa Lintas Arta
- etc
Last Updated ( Monday, 21 December 2009 02:37 )